Sunflower Silhouette

By: catherineross

Aug 25 2011

Category: Uncategorized



Good Morning Friends! A slight deviation from my normal photos today. This is one of the sunflowers in my garden. It's an iphone photo that I edited on my phone. The artist in me likes to play sometimes! 🙂 Have a wonderful day!

13 comments on “Sunflower Silhouette”

  1. Artist indeed Cathy. Extremely well processed.

    • Len, thanks so much for your support and kind notes! They mean alot to me…and even though I don’t respond to each one, I read each one and they make me smile! Have a great day!

  2. Very cool processing! Love it!

    • Thanks so much Bonnie! You’ve been such a supportive and kind friend and I appreciate all your notes…and even though I don’t respond to each one, I read each one, and they make me smile! I’m happy we met and in the coming days hope to get back on my blog visiting track. Thanks again, your support means alot to me!

  3. Awesome Cathy! I’m amazed at the images you have taken with your iphone. I did not realize you could process them on the phone too.

    • Thanks so much Julie! I’m sorry that I don’t always respond to each of your lovely notes, but I do read each and every one and your notes bring me Joy and make me smile! Thank you so much for your continued support and kind comments…it means so much to me! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Wonderful way to start the day!

    • Thanks Barbara and big Hugs! You are so kind and your notes always brighten my day, and even though I don’t respond to each one, please know that I read each one and they make me very happy! Have a wonderful day!

  5. I love this Cathy, very nice.


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